LEDress LED lighted house numbers are for sale online using LEDs in 6 colors:
red, blue, white, green, yellow, and orange. These sign numbers can light up night & day or be set for dusk to dawn illumination.
Digital LED house numbers provide quick information to 911 emergency,
taxi, pizza and other delivery drivers. Service personnel and first-time visitors to your place will appreciate them. Mostly, they just look cool.
LEDress makes the only LED residential address signs with as wide a selection of colors and styles.
Optional kits for mounting and wiring eliminate running to the store for more parts, making your purchase ready for installation. The LEDress ships rapidly via 2 to 4 day Priority Mail; customers need not wait for weeks. There is no sales tax and the shipping is free.
May 2020: Vertical units are now the same price as horizontals,
see the "Specials" page for details.
Unlike backlit or internally illuminated house numbers sold by Home Depot, Lowes, and others, LEDress displays the full, bright LEDs color directly in a string-of-lights design with a retro look that has revived in modern times with LED signage.
Solar powered house numbers are handy, but they may not shine all night like LEDress that runs from a small low-voltage transformer (included) and is safe for a do-it-yourself person to install.
Customer-supplied photos are on the Pictures page, and testimonials are on the Links & Reviews page.
You help the whole neighborhood at night by using a lighted house number sign, showing visitors if they have gone too far or not far enough down the street.